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Monday, 22 October 2012

Avon Foot Works Cinnamon Orange Range Review: Foot Soak, Scrub & Cream

Hello ladies!! :D
How is the weekend coming along! I was in the mood for some pampering so decided to review the pedicure kit from the Avon Footwork's Cinnamon Orange Range for you all. This was one of my very early purchases from Avon and i really really love this one a lot.  
Price: MRP:150/- each.  Available for around 119/- on offer.
My Experience:
Before moving on to each of them i will focus on the common factor in all three and that is the AROMA.It smells heavenly.If you are thinking something Orange-y and Citrus-y then you are mistaken.The orange fragrance along with the cinnamon twist just nails it for me. If you are fond of cinnamon by any chance,then you must try this.
Sadly Avon has discontinued it for the while and i so hope they come back with it again but it is still available on the super savers.SO do stock it up before its out of the market completely.
Now coming back to the foot soak.
Usage & Ingredients:
This is the first step in the three step home pedicure kit and i do it exactly as described. It lathers well and the  skin also softens for the next step of dead skin removal. The aroma plays an important role in relaxing and soothing the stressed feet muscles. Nothing much to expect from it as its only a foot soak i feel but still i like it very much as it kind of completes the ritual for me and soap doesn't exactly give you the same feeling. :)
Foot Scrub:
Usage & Ingredients:
If you have really hard and rough skin,then this will not be appropriate for you.This scrub has granules that do scrubbing pretty well but not as well as the coarse scrubs you may have used.this in fact can be used as a daily or biweekly scrub that helps maintain your feet rather than do any hardcore exfoliation.Any ways i use the foot file for dead skin removal so this works perfectly fine for me. BTW this is a foaming scrub. :) It was a surprise for me and i absolutely love it for this.It cleans the feet really well and on lazy days i can just scrub away my feet to feel clean again. :)The last foaming scrub i used was the peppermint smoothening scrub from TBS.
Foot cream:
Usage & Ingredients:
As you can see it is the most used products of the lot and the most loved as well. This moisturises and softens the rough spots instantly to give you hose soft and supple feet in a day. well that is if you do not need much help thee. :P Still when my mum used it,she was surprised to see her cracked heels get repaired in just 3 days. That sure speaks for itself. :) The aroma also lingers on for real long with this as it is a cream. I even use it on my hands and it works really well on them. If you have dry hands or feet then definitely give this a try. 
Now here is a swatch for all the products!
A close up!
My Rating: 4.25 out of 5 for the whole range together
My Recommendation: If you like cinnamon then its a must must must try! Feet definitely looks well moisturised and maintained with less calluses on regular use but if you just want to check for yourself then do try the foot cream from the range. See if you like the smell and get the whole range next. ;) I am going to pick a backup next time these come on super savers.:)

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